School Board Meeting, Monday June 22, 2020


Call to Order/Roll Call 00:00:05

Re-Opening Task Force Update 00:03:00

Superintendent Fournier will update the Board on the progress of the Re-Opening Task Force and its sub committees.

Data Governance 00:40:14

The Board will discuss the Data Governance manual changes for a second time and vote to accept the changes that were brought forward at the last meeting by Technology Director Holly Doe.

District Goals 00:41:46

Assistant Superintendent Tom Laliberte will present updates on District Performance Goals for the Boards consideration. Superintendent Fournier will review the draft changes to the bullying goal.

Minutes- Draft Minutes of 06.08.20 01:32:13

Consent Agenda 01:32:49

Manifests of 6.23.20 Nominations-new hires

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